Molting Mother & Spirit Feather is part of the Paloma Negra Black Bird series, it is white conte’ crayon drawing on black board and is talking about feathers and skin shedding because of life but also because of trauma in this life as black beings. These pieces were in Galerie Camille show recently in September 2020 and both are no longer available.
Throw up both my hands is part of the series of ‘Why You Wanna Fly Black Bird’ color pencil and white gel pen on black paper. This drawing talks about being a Black Mother in a community where your children are hunted and the world does not see you or your children. This drawing is no longer available.
Black Madonna drawing is conte, gel pen and prisma color pencils on black paper. This piece is part of the Paloma Negra series and is talking about the Black Mother as a Holy Spirit. This piece is no longer available.
Black Bird drawing is part of the Why You Wanna Fly Black Bird series. This drawing is prisma color pencil and gold ink. Standing in her magic and her power, she is able to let go of all the things that weigh down her wings. This piece is no longer available.
The Mothers is a drawing after Kathe’ Kollwitz’s woodcut drawings based on the trauma and deaths around the War and what she called the ‘unspeakably difficult years” in 1920-1921. I felt compelled to do a piece similar since Black Mothers keep losing their children in my community and this country. The flowers in the drawing all represent life and death and resurrection. This drawing is prisma color pencil, gold ink and conte crayon on black 100% cotton rag printmaking paper. It’s 39”x 31” and is no longer available.
Mourning Dress / Empty Womb drawing is 30” x 83” is mixed medium drawing with conte’, charcoal, gold leaf, gold acrylic paint, doily paper, graphite and gel pen. This drawing is very long in scale. It’s drawing on a vintage table runner printed paper, I am serving the truth. It’s part of the Why You Wanna Fly Black Bird series and based on the idea that the womb is the first home, when the child leaves the womb they no longer can be protected when they are in this world. This drawing is based on a reflection from reading a part of Kahlil Gibran’s poem “Your children are not your children.
They are sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.” This drawing is available.
A Conspiracy of Raven/ An Attempted Unkindness is a drawing using charcoal, acrylic gold paint and white conte on large rag drawing paper. It’s large scale and measures 50”x 93” It’s part of the Why You Wanna Fly Black Bird series which uses the image of the corvids the raven and the crow to represent black and brown bodies that are not valued in their communities in this country. These birds are known for the names ‘ a murder of crows’ and ‘an unkindness or conspiracy of ravens’ When her children are murdered or hunted she is also traumatized.
Sacred Home is a large drawing measuring 50” x 93” on rag drawing paper. It’s from the series Why You Wanna Fly Black Bird. Its about homes and sacred sanctuaries we call home, it’s also about spaces we live in as ‘home’ These spaces we occupy believing we are safe and in some cases we are not. The drawing is graphite, gold paint, charcoal and gel pen. It talks about home as space, jail as space and space making to allow our bodies to rest and not worry about our predators. The door is open because even though our bodies are attached our spirits will soar.
Sacred Net is a large drawing measuring 50” x 90” its charcoal, graphite, gold ink and gold acrylic paint on rag paper. It’s a black hole nest. This drawing represents the sacred space of home making to protect it’s inhabitants from predators and the natural elements when we can not protect ourselves. The nest is empty because of violence in our communities. This drawing was influenced by Gilda Snowden and her tornadoes. I call these drawing meditations based on the anger I felt after hearing of another death from police brutality or violence in communities of people of color. It’s black rage in this image.
Black Nest is acrylic, graphite and prismacolor pencil on black paper. It’s from the Why You Wanna Fly Black Bird series. This drawing is a meditation drawing after Gilda Snowden’s tornado series, it allowed me to move through the mental trauma of another death recording of police brutality. This piece is 22” x 30’ and is available.
Nest/ Home is white conte, white charcoal, white prismacolor pencil and acrylic paint drawing. It’s 22” x 30” on black printmaking paper. It’s from the series Why You Wanna Fly Black Bird and is a meditation drawing. This piece is available.
Black Butterfly is a drawing series with sewing 22” x 30” paper, it’s reference is based on roots magic and the idea of creating sacred space where ever we are. This piece is color pencil, gold ink, thread, decorative paper and gel pens. This piece is available.